Magenta. Cyan. White by RAD
Limited 10″ vinyl edition • 3 songs (total time 17:10)
RAD is Brisa Roché and Nicolas Laureau – releases November 9, 2023
Ouvré bandcamp

Handmade sleeve in heavy gray paper with printed picture, Heavy pink paper insert with lyrics and design, unique signed pola by RAD. Transparent 10 inch vinyl. Numbered edition of 40 copies.
A1 Magenta / A2 Cyan / B1 White
Includes unlimited streaming of RAD ‘Magenta. Cyan. White’ via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
shipping out on or around November 9, 2023
edition of 40 • order on Ouvré bandcamp
RAD: project founded in 2022 by singer/writer Brisa Roché and producer/musician Nicolas Laureau (Don Nino/Niño).
RAD: haunting duo creating collaborative slap-you-in-the-face landscapes between blues/elvin singing and drone/guitar exhalations.
RAD: quasi-Tantric dialogue between alarmingly raw improv, electronica, story-telling and heart-of-guitar.
RAD: reduction of « radical », a term used for cool/awesome in the California of the 1980s.
RAD: according to Brisa and Nicolas « A punk lullaby, an inner dialogue turned outer, breathing guitar, NY meets CA meets France with transformation transgender, FX, nature/mountains plus urban plus dreamscapes. FIRE and ICE. »
Recorded and produced by RAD,
December 2022 – February 2023.